Sunday 25 May 2014

Seven Different Kinds of Exam Students

So I had my final exams recently. Let's just say that I met different kinds of students during this. Well, I say met, but what I really mean is overheard conversations of. Uh. Okay, eavesdropped on.
Don't even start on that. I had a lot of time on my hands for the exam started, all right? It's just that everyone gets there half an hour early, and they take forever to even open the goddamn exams themselves.
I noticed that like you can make lists of "different kinds of morning people" and "different kinds of drunks", there's also a special place for different kinds of exam students. This is it. This is the list.

Lives on caffeine
They're probably shaking a lot. They barely slept last night, and if they did, it was under the influence of a ton of sleeping pills. They drank three cups of coffee, four cans of energy drink, and they took a bunch of them to the exam as well. This person is very easily identifiable, because in the middle of the exam you will hear an extremely loud "cgk-tsssss"-sound as they open their can of energy drink, and you will get annoyed at them.

Under extreme stress
Funnily enough, this person is also recognizable because they're shaking a lot. Their eye is twitching. They're reading the books until they have to go into the exam hall, then freak out because study books are not allowed in the exam hall. Likely to burst into tears during the particularly difficult exams.

Seriously relaxed
On the other hand, there's the person who is basically lounging in their chair. Maybe they studied, maybe they didn't, I never really found out. They've got candy and soda with them, and before the exam, they're casually strolling around, talking to their friends. I don't get these people, so I can't really tell you any more about them. They are mysterious creatures. Approach with caution.

Very tired
They're lying on their desk, eyes shut. They might have accidentally gotten to school early, and have fallen asleep on a bench somewhere. They're wearing sweatpants and look like they just rolled out of bed (or possibly just stood up from their desk). They don't really care about their grade anymore. They're just done. If they get good grades, it's because they started the week before, and some of it stuck.

The Quizzer
Often the same person who is extremely stressed, or That One Person. Right before the exam, when maybe you weren't really stressed but you were kind of on edge? That's when they strike. They will be in your friend group, or in someone else's. When you least expect it, they suddenly ask a ton of questions about the subject you're about to take a test on. This will make you stressed, because no way you know all these things, oh god, you should have studied better, it's too late now, you're probably going to fail, oh god. Avoid this person at all costs.

"Maybe if I complain about it"
Found throughout the country. There are a lot of them, and we should be grateful for the amusement. These are the people that get in the news because the thing they complained about was so extremely ridiculous. They were very distracted by the birds outside or the ass of the person in front of them. They'll complain about this to the national student board, because who knows, it might get them another point or two.

The one that dropped the things
This was usually me. I am so sorry. In my defense, it's really hard to juggle three exam sheets, a bottle, pens, a marker and an atlas. Anyway. There's one of these in almost every exam class. They're also tired, but in a different form. They'll be done way too early, stumble over their chair, and then, when they get to the teacher in front, they will drop all of their stuff very loudly. Then they'll whisper "sorry" often, but it's too late. Everyone is distracted for at least another ten minutes.

They're loudly talking about how excited they are for this exam. They probably studied a lot, but really, there are some things that should remain unsaid. Seriously.

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